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Stained Glass Window Description in All Saints Church Houghton Regis

Stained Glass Window Description in All Saints Church Houghton Regis

A description of the stained glass windows in All Saints Church Houghton Regis by Thomas Braille in "Works in Stained Glass" published in 1864.

"A Three-Light Window, in the north aisle, of the Nativity, Crucifixion and Ascension, inscribed, "This window is dedicated to the glory of God and in memory of Jane Ewart, second daughter of William Gott, Esq, of Wyther Grange, Yorkshire, and wife of the Rev. Hugh B. Smyth, Vicar of this Parish, and by her brother and her two sisters, her husband and his eight children, the parishioners of Houghton Regis, and other friends. She died January 17, 1864, aged 37 years." And also a similar Window in the south aisle, as a memorial to Mr Armstrong, Churchwarden, deceased. Subject, "the Prodigal Son" and in memory of George Armstrong, Churchwarden of this Church, who died March 4, 1860, aged 48 years. The Vicar, Churchwardens, and others, his friends, have presented this window to the Church, out of respect for his memory and in gratitude to Almighty God for the comfort peace and vouchsafed to his death." A Three-Light Memorial Stained and Painted Glass Window, inscribed, "This window is dedicated to the glory of God, and the memory of Minna, the eldest and dearly loved child of the Rev. Hugh Smyth, M.A., Vicar of the Church, and Jane Ewart Smyth, his wife, who being born August 6, 1848, grew in favour with God and man for eleven years, and died, deeply mourned, October 8 1859. Nearly 1000 persons contributed to the cost of this window, in remembrance of her bright intellect, kind heart and early piety, and in sympathy with the loss of her bereaved parents. This window is in the north aisle, containing four portraits as per design, the subject being, "Christ blessing little children", The group of children were taken from photographs of the Vicar's children, forming a new and interesting feature in glass-painting, the most prominent figure crowned with a wreath of wild flowers, being taken from a photograph of the subject of the memorial window, this whole being very elaborately and beautifully executed; erected 1864.


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Image Details

Photographer Unknown
Catalogue Number Cat 350.jpg
Copyright Houghton Regis Heritage Society
Collection Holder Houghton Regis Heritage Society