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1915 The Pound Tree

1915 The Pound Tree

The Pound Tree was subject to many photographic studies. This one is a Post Card by Charles Smy. It was sent be a soldier billeted by the Green in 1915. It reads:

"I thought perhaps you would like a photo of Houghton Regis. Our Camp is just on the left of the houses and the green, which is not green now, but covered with mud, forms part of the parade ground. The YMCA Hut is about 30 yards or so to the right of the lamp. I have been helping to dig cable trench today. It has been very cold here today but fine and bright."

The Pound Tree was so called because the pound for stray animals had formerly been situated nearby.

The tree is shown on the Duke of Bedford's estate map of 1762 and gradually died in the 1930s.

The Crown Inn can be seen on the right.

The Victorian Park Cottages (adjacent Park Avenue), originally built for the servants in Houghton Hall are seen behind the tree.

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Image Details

Photographer Charles Smy
Catalogue Number Cat 51-16-09-56-296.jpg
Copyright Houghton Regis Heritage Society
Collection Holder Houghton Regis Heritage Society